Friday, October 17, 2008

Something not very many people know about me!

There are many things people may not know about me. Something not very many people may know about me is i can dance. Many people may not know that is because im am shy about dancing in front of alot of people. The only people that may really seen me dance is my close family and friends. Some people say i look like I can dance some people say it dont. Little do people know I love to dance. I always dances in my mirror at home,outside,or in my friends house. You may catch me a party dancing. Other than that if there's alot of people just staring and i see them i may not dance because i am so shy. Thats really the only thing im really about doing is dancing infront of people thats it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The worst thing a parent can do to their child

The worst thing a parent can do to there child is beat them. I say that because its wrong. That is evry sad for a child to get beaten by their own parent.People might do that to their kids only because it was done to them. Its not right, if i ever see that i would maybe cry. They wouldnt want no one beatin on them so dey shouldnt do it to no one else. It sad that children cant get love from there parents. They do one little mistake and their parent might start beatin them.